Child Support


Howard and Montgomery County Same-Sex / LBGTQ+ Child Support Lawyers

Fighting for the best interests of children in Columbia, Fulton, Bethesda and Rockville

Same Sex Child Support

Unlike alimony, which does not have a standardized formula for calculation, child support in Maryland is more predictable for same-sex and heterosexual couples alike. That does not mean it is entirely without complexities, particularly for same-sex couples facing divorce. Securing a firm and fair support order, however, gives clients piece of mind knowing that their child or children would have a guarantee of financial support during and after this difficult transition period.

At McCabe Russell, PA, we promote favorable outcomes for our clients that simultaneously benefit their children’s best interests. By educating our LGBTQ clients about how child support is determined and listening assiduously to them, our Montgomery and Howard County child support lawyers have found that our clients not only are more pleased with their legal outcomes but also continue to recommend us to friends and family.

We have office locations in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville where we are able to utilize our knowledge and experience in handling Maryland divorce cases to the benefit of families in Howard and Montgomery Counties.

Can a Child Have More Than Two Parents?

Factors that influence child support calculations

Child support can be determined by a judge through the Maryland Child Support Guidelines. That means it cannot be dictated by a pre- or post-nuptial agreement. While judges do have some leeway in terms of the suggested child support amount, their deviations are generally in response to a specific necessity. Once child support has been established, modifications can be made formally if a need arises, such as a significant increase or decrease in your or your former spouse’s income or custody arrangement.

Under the applicable law, judges determine the amount of monthly child support by considering the following factors:

  • Both parents’ income, including salaries and second jobs
  • Child support paid for other children or alimony paid to a previous spouse, which is of particular importance in LGBQT+ child support decisions
  • The cost of the children’s portion of health insurance
  • The cost of children’s medical expenses not covered by health insurance
  • The cost of work-related child care, which typically includes daycare, camp and/or nanny expenses
  • The number of minor children in the family
  • The custody schedule for the children

While the judge does have final say on the specific value of the child support being assessed, it is not uncommon for the former spouses to have communicated their wishes and preferences via their attorney. Although not every request can be carried out, when they coincide with the best care and outcome for any children involved, they may be accommodated. A skillful family lawyer will be able to present his or her client’s preferences in terms of the children’s best interests.

Contact us to learn more about child support for LGBTQ families in Montgomery and Howard Counties

Child support for same-sex and heterosexual couples in Maryland comes down the same basic principle: providing financial support for the children’s optimal care and comfort. Our ethical and professional Howard and Montgomery County same-sex divorce attorneys understand how challenging this time of restructuring can be for the entire family. We bring our considerable experience, knowledge and education to bear on the task to help our clients reach workable outcomes for their families in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville. We hope we can be of service to you family as well. Call McCabe Russell, PA at 443-812-1435 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment.