Child Support


Howard and Montgomery County Maryland Child Support Attorneys

Protecting children’s needs in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton and Columbia

Child Support PA

Parents have a duty to provide for their children. Sadly, too many parents think that the parent with whom the child lives has the sole financial responsibility. At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, our Howard and Montgomery County child support lawyers understand the Maryland state guidelines. We can examine tax returns and other financial records to show what a spouse’s income really is. Our family lawyers are skilled at how to cross-examine a parent about his/her real ability to pay child support. From our offices in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton and Columbia, we fight to get your children every dollar they deserve.

Child support guidelines in Maryland

To make sure the needs of children come first, Maryland has established guidelines that determine how much child support parents need to make for their children. The guidelines, like most rules, work best when the proper data is put into the rules.

The key guidelines for child support are:

  • The income of each parent
  • The child support payments being paid for children from another spouse or parent
  • Alimony payments for a prior spouse
  • Health insurance and medical costs not covered by insurance for the child
  • Daycare and other expenses to make certain a child has adult supervision
  • How many other minor children there are
  • The custody arrangements for the children

Our Howard and Montgomery County family attorneys, in some cases, may be able to persuade a judge to deviate from the suggested guidelines. Child support can include more than writing a check to another parent. Support orders can require that parent name his/her children as beneficiaries of an insurance policy, such as a medical insurance policy, and pay for dental and other uncovered medical bills. A support order can include the requirement that a parent pay for airplane fare so visitation obligations can be met.

Parents who fail to obey a child support order may be sent to jail until they arrange for payment, or could have their wages garnished to ensure that their obligations to their children are being met.

Modification of child support orders


Once an order is entered, no matter the age of the child at the time, the parents are obligated to pay the amount of the order on a regular basis. Orders can only be changed if a minimal threshold for modifying an order is met. Some reasons for allowing a change are:

  • The income of a parent has changed
  • The child’s expenses have changed
  • The physical custody schedule has changed

Child support orders cease when a child reaches the age of majority (18), dies or becomes emancipated. A child under 18 can be emancipated if he/she marries or is able to support himself/herself.

Talk with an experienced Howard and Montgomery County child support attorney today

At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, our Howard and Montgomery County child support attorneys can make a preliminary estimate of your likely child support order. We work to maximize that order for the benefit of your children in every way possible. Put your mind at ease; please call 443-812-1435 or complete our contact form to schedule an appointment at one of our offices located in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton or Columbia.

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