Howard and Montgomery County Maryland Adoption Attorneys
Compassionate guidance for clients in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton and Columbia
Congratulations! Your family is about to grow by one (or more). Making the decision to adopt is one of the most fulfilling decisions there is – but that does not mean there might not be complications along the way. When there are, you can put your trust in the family law attorneys who have not only helped other Howard and Montgomery families grow, but who have been through the adoption process personally.
At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, our adoption lawyers are dedicated to helping children find loving homes. With offices in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton and Columbia, we are always nearby to answer your questions, celebrate your joys, and assuage your fears. When things get tough in court, we get tougher, and we will uphold your rights and work towards your goals from the moment you walk in our door.
Understanding private adoptions
Private adoptions are ones where the adopting parent knows the child through a family or personal relationship with the child or a family member. The three main types of independent adoptions we handle are:
- Step-parent adoption. Many times, a father or mother will remarry or will marry for the first time. The new spouse not only loves his or her partner, but also loves the spouse’s children. We explain when a step-parent is likely to be approved to adopt the spouse’s child and when complications may arise. If the non-spousal birth parent is deceased, we properly confirm the death. If the birth parent has abandoned an interest in his/her child or is an abusive parent, our adoption lawyers work to show a step-parent adoption is necessary.
- Second-parent adoption. In LBGTQ relationships, the law is still evolving. We recommend that the non-birth parent complete a second-parent adoption approval.
- Adoptions by minor parents and disabled birth parents. Heather McCabe has been representing minor and disabled birth parents consenting to the adoption of their birth children since 1998. With great compassion for these parents, Attorney McCabe explains the adoption process, their rights and their options.
Handling agency adoptions
Many Maryland adoptions are handled through agencies. Public agency adoptions are for children who have been placed with an agency because a child was born an orphan or because parental rights were terminated due to abandonment, neglect, abuse or other causes. Private agency adoptions arise when an agency matches a child, virtually anywhere in the world, who needs to be adopted and a family that wants to adopt the child and is able to do so.
Complications that may arise in the adoption process
Not every adoption runs as smoothly as we would like. In some cases, we must take formal steps to terminate parental rights so that an adoption can proceed. In others, there are dispensaries about whether or not the biological parents are fit to fulfill their roles are caregivers. Sometimes, and adoption is an act of love born out of tragedy, such as the death or incapacitating illness of the parents.
But this is what we know: when you love a child, and that child loves you, our family attorneys will move Heaven and Earth to ensure that you come together. We document the evidence, work with the agencies, lend emotional guidance and support to you and the children, and present a case to a judge that proves you are willing, able and ready to take on all the beautifully messy challenges that come with being a parent. You can rely on us to fight for you and your family at every step of the way.
Speak with an experienced Howard and Montgomery County adoption lawyer as soon as possible
At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, we explain how the adoption process works and when children can be adopted. We work to get the necessary consent to the adoption and prepare parent and child for the court hearing. For help making a child a permanent and legal member of your family, please call us at 443-812-1435 or complete contact form to make an appointment. We have offices in Bethesda, Rockville, Fulton and Columbia.