Divorce Negotiation


Howard and Montgomery County Maryland Divorce Negotiation Attorneys

Proudly committed to helping clients from offices in Columbia, Fulton, Bethesda and Rockville

Divorce Negotiation

Once you and your spouse have made the decision to end your marriage, the actual process can seem vague and indefinite. Conceptualizing when the relationship will formally end, how property will be divided, what will happen if minor children are involved and other related decisions are all deeply personal, and it is not unusual to find yourself at odds with your future former-spouse. At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, our skilled divorce attorneys in Howard and Montgomery County know from experience that every divorce process is as unique as the relationship of the parties involved. Navigating the emotional and practical currents that are often present during the divorce process takes more than empathy — it takes practical experience and commitment to weathering storms in search of an equitable outcome.

At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, we believe that our professional clients deserve knowledgeable representation during what is often the most stressful time in their lives. We are confident divorce attorneys who work with families in Howard and Montgomery Counties to promote positive outcomes during times of family restructuring. We are experienced at guiding our clients through every aspect of a divorce, from contemplation to conclusion. From our office locations in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville, we provide our clients with trustworthy and ethical service.

Challenges for Couples Who Marry and Divorce Multiple Times

Commonly negotiated divorce issues in Maryland

The reason it is crucial to have a seasoned Howard and Montgomery County divorce lawyer is that the list of potentially negotiable topics in a divorce is nearly endless. Frequently negotiated topics include the following:

  • Legal custody of children, including educational, religious and healthcare decisions
  • Sale of Marital Home
  • Private retirement and job-based pension accounts
  • Stock portfolio valuation
  • Spousal Support
  • Business ownership and valuation
  • Pet custody
  • Personal debts
  • Health insurance policies and coverage
  • Division of frequent flyer miles or royalties
  • Beneficiary designations of life insurance policies
  • Tax refunds or payments due
  • Moving fees
  • Any costs associated with legal representation for either spouse

The realities of negotiation

In negotiation, both parties have needs and will be required to compromise on some points. Our role is to make certain that issues that are of greatest import to you, including child custody, alimony or property division, are held to fairly and firmly. Most couples entering into a negotiation process will have individual — and minimally overlapping — ideas for a preferred outcome. In addition to preparing our clients for the real possibility of not getting every single desire and hope met in a negotiation, we also explore what their most vital needs are, so we can focus on those key components.

When a child or children are involved, negotiations become both more complex and more transparent. The question becomes one of what is best for the child, rather than a matter of personal preference for one individual or the other. Because of our extensive experience in child custody litigation and child support issues specifically, we are perfectly situated to assist in these types of divorce negotiations.

Types of Cases We Handle

Our attorneys handle a variety of family law cases, including:

Helping you move through your divorce toward future success in Montgomery and Howard Counties

At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, our tact, experience and acumen will be your asset during divorce negotiations. Having trustworthy and skilled legal guidance can make a difficult time in your life bearable and provide emotional support and stability. We have hands-on knowledge and local experience developed by years of helping families in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville. Call McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers at 443-812-1435 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment.