What to do if You Are A Victim of Revenge Porn in Maryland

  One in 25 Americans have been a victim of a new type of invasion of sexual privacy, where photographs or videos that you intended to stay private with your partner end up on the Internet for everyone to see, after your (now) ex-partner posts the content online without your consent. Known as “revenge porn,”…

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The Importance of Temporary Orders

A temporary order is essentially a blueprint to follow to keep everything as normal and as safe as possible while you await your divorce to become finalized. The relief that may be granted may feel unfair to one party, and can cause resentment and conflict, but the word to keep in mind is “temporary.” Court…

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There’s a Time and Place for Annulments

Most couples who get married are planning for a lifetime together, but some can’t foresee that may not be a long time. Sometimes circumstances make staying in the marriage too difficult to bear. You’re led to a tough but quick decision between divorce or trying to force the relationship to work. Some couples actually have…

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Why Covid-19 May Be the End of Your Marriage

It’s safe to say that things are definitely out of the ordinary these days, and nobody knows quite when things will get back to our individual versions of normal. Everywhere you look there are stressors that can create problems in your personal relationships that. People who are “stuck home” together will eventually get on each…

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Best Practices to Work with Your Attorney/Legal Team Remotely

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, people throughout Maryland are being told to work from home. Many people are being told to limit their contact with others as much as possible. Working from home and communicating from home helps ensure that people keep a safe social distance from each other, which can reduce the risk…

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Own a Business? You Need a Pre-nup or Post-nup

When people hear the words “prenup” or “postnup” they often jump to the idea of planning for, or staving off, a nasty divorce, and that one of the parties is only sticking around in hopes of collecting a windfall from winning his or her spouse’s money in a settlement. The truth of the matter is…

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How Your Divorce May Impact Your Military Benefits

When the average couple gets divorced, dividing assets and personal property becomes complicated. When a military marriage is ending, it’s even more so because you now have to factor the federal government into your property distribution and settlement. Asset division isn’t your only consideration, however. Getting married while you or your spouse is in the…

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Creating a Parenting Plan That Works for All of You

In general, most kids are pretty similar when it comes to their basic needs, especially when it comes to their parents. When they’re little, all they want is for their parents to spend time with them. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s during a grocery store run or while taking them on vacation. They…

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How Divorce Affects a Family Owned Business

Family-owned businesses can sometimes feel like another child in a marriage. Some businesses are passed down through families with the expectation that the next generation of children will take over and take care of the company, then pass it down to their own kids when the time comes. Today, it’s very possible that one party…

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Debunking FAFSA Confusion for Divorced Families

Kids preparing to go off to college often don’t think about financial aid forms or the litany of personal questions that come along with asking the federal government for a loan – or how to answer them. They think about their career possibilities and how to get there after graduation, where their friends will be…

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Emily Russell Named To The Maryland Super Lawyers List For 2020

The team at McCabe Russell would like to extend our congratulations to Emily Russell on being named to the 2020 Maryland Super Lawyers List! The Maryland Super Lawyers is an exclusive list, recognizing no more than five percent of attorneys in the state. Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, is a research-driven, peer influenced rating…

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Should I Terminate My Parental Rights?

Parenthood is not always planned, and it does not always come at the right time in your life. Children need constant love, attention, and stability. Depending upon where you are in your life, you may not be in a position to provide a child with these basic needs. In doing what’s best for your son…

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Divorce, When You Have a Special Needs Child

If you have a special needs child then you are abundantly aware of the unique challenges you face with day to day parenting, and planning for your child’s future. You worry now, and stress over how he or she will manage one day when you’re gone. You want to give your special needs child the…

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What Happens if I Don’t Pay My Child Support?

It never fails: your child support is past due and it is creating problems between you and your child’s mother or father. The phone calls, texts, emails, and unpleasant conversations about money when you pick up your child for visitation are endless. Out of the many parents who are ordered to pay child support, about…

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Yes, Parents Can Be Charged with Kidnapping Their Own Children

When you and your child’s other parent are divorcing, or just going through a child custody battle, unless a court order specifies otherwise, you both have legal rights to your child. However, when there has been a court order entered determining custody and visitation rights, taking your child out of state, out of the country,…

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Prenups and Postnups: Do I Need One?

Congratulations! You’re getting married! This is a time for celebrating and beginning to plan for your big day. While you’re choosing a color scheme, trying on gowns and tuxedos, and taste testing cake samples, you might begin thinking about whether you need to protect yourself in case the future pans out differently than you planned.…

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Protecting Your Child from an Abusive Parent

Some subjects in life are more difficult to wrap your mind around than others, especially when you are a parent considering how to protect your child. After all, that’s your primary job aside from loving, feeding and clothing him or her. Protecting your child from strangers gets more difficult every day with the progression of…

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