What Is the Discovery Process?

The bulk of any litigation is comprised of what is known as the discovery process. This is nothing more than an exchange of information that is relevant to your case. When you hire an attorney, most people think that they’ve hired someone to do all of the work for them so once the litigation process…

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How Does My Divorce Affect My Stimulus Check?

In December, legislators agreed to a second coronavirus relief package, with direct payments of $600 to eligible adults, plus $600 per child dependent. Many individuals and families have already received their stimulus payments, and other payments are on their way. However, for couples in the process of divorce or child support disputes, this stimulus check…

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Falsifying Drug Tests for Child Custody Cases

How many times have you heard your child’s other parent claim he or she is sober, but you’ve seen the same signs of being under the influence so many times that you know it’s a lie? You have concerns about your child being around that parent but your fears have fallen on deaf ears so…

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My Child’s Absentee Parent Suddenly Wants Custody

Being a primary caretaker of a child is hard work. Being the only caretaker is harder. Single parents – no matter their station in life – carry a unique burden when it comes to raising children. A parent who has been uninvolved in your child’s life, even to the extent of being completely missing for…

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Can You Collect Your Spouse’s Social Security After Divorce?

A divorced spouse who claims their benefit at least at Full Retirement Age (FRA) who doesn’t qualify for Social Security based on their own work record will receive 50% of the ex-spouse’s Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) provided they’re not remarried. Claiming earlier than FRA will result in a decreased benefit amount. You cannot double dip…

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Can My Spouse Evade Divorce?

One way some difficult parties choose to get under the skin of their soon to be former spouse is by making the inevitable more difficult by avoiding service of the summons and complaint for divorce or even worse, refusing to sign the final agreement. Not to worry if you are the plaintiff spouse trying to…

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Relocation and Interstate Child Custody Issues

Coparenting has its challenges, even when a divorce is amicable and the parenting plan is just. One of the more common challenges relates to parental relocation: what do you need to do if you or your spouse must move? Under typical circumstances, if a parent wishes to move, that parent must provide written notice within…

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How to Help Your Kids Through the Holidays After Divorce

Kids of divorce experience the holiday blues at least as much as newly single parents do. It can feel “weird” to split a holiday, or to only see one parent instead of both. This can leave kids feeling angry and frustrated at one (or both) parents and feeling guilty for not somehow making it all…

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Meet Summer Abel, the Newest Associate of McCabe Russell, PA!

McCabe Russell, PA is excited to introduce Summer Abel, our new Associate Attorney. Summer’s background is a little different from the rest of our team. She is a former Assistant Public Defender for Orlando, Florida, and spent the last couple of years prosecuting vaccine injury claims in Washington, DC. We know that these experiences have…

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Putting Our Houses in Order as Maryland Faces Another COVID Wave

As anticipated, the second “wave” of COVID-19 cases have begun. In response, Governor Hogan has tightened restrictions on certain activities, and offered warnings about others. For many, these restrictions – right at the start of the holiday season – can feel overwhelming. We want to discuss some of the lessons we have learned over these…

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Can Children Hire Their Own Custody Attorneys in Maryland?

One of the most common questions we hear from our clients during divorces is, “Do my children have a choice about which parent they want to live with?” Maryland has a number of different guidelines regarding children’s involvement in custody proceedings. The older the child, the more valuable their input – but, as in any…

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Happy Anniversary, Kierra Wiggins!

If you have worked with McCabe Russell, PA at any time in the last three years, the chances are very good that you’ve spent time with Kierra Wiggins. Kierra is the Lead Paralegal here at the firm, and the role she plays is critical to our success. We conducted this interview so you could get…

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Six Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Divorced

When it comes to the topic of divorce, you’ve probably heard people say that it’s not good to stay together just for the children. There’s truth to that but it’s not the only consideration you need to make when faced with the question of whether or not you should end your marriage. Marriage is a…

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What Is a Peace Order, and Do I Need One?

Being harassed or feeling fearful every time you step outside your home or workplace alone can be paralyzing. You shouldn’t have to live that way simply because another person has made you the unwanted focus of their attention. Even if you have called the police, you’ve probably heard the same thing over and over. There…

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