Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Don’t Have a Prenup

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith, married to the actor Will Smith, recently revealed in her new book that she and Smith have been separated for seven years. However, the couple has made no moves to divorce. She also noted that the two don’t have a prenuptial agreement in place, stating that “divorce won’t be necessary” and…

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Maryland Now Allows Parents to Go After Workers’ Compensation Settlements

New legislation out of the Senate now subjects a portion of workers’ compensation and personal injury awards to child support arrearages. Senate Bill 71 proposes that a portion of the net recovery obtained by workers’ compensation and personal injury claimants be eligible for execution in cases involving outstanding child support obligations. The term “net recovery”…

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Marijuana Usage by Parents Is No Longer Child Neglect in Maryland

Almost every state in our country has been changing its attitude toward marijuana usage, both medically and recreationally, and Maryland is no different. To reflect this changing climate, Maryland’s laws towards the substance are changing with them. As of July 1st of this year, an adult 21 and over may legally possess a small but…

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Dating During a Fulton Divorce Is Legal, But Potentially Risky

Every relationship — and subsequently, every divorce — is different. We all have unique life experiences and the bonds we form with those around us can be the most unique of all. For some people, divorcing is a grief-stricken, painful process of separation as a final resort, and they couldn’t even consider starting a new…

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Headed for Divorce? Don’t Ignore Your Retirement Plans

Divorce can have significant financial implications, particularly for women, who often face the challenge of rebuilding their retirement savings. Many divorced Americans find themselves lacking sufficient funds to retire comfortably, leading to concerns about their financial future. Individuals who have gone through divorce have to navigate retirement planning amidst the aftermath of marital separation, and…

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Collaborative Divorce Benefits Couples Seeking Privacy

Collaborative divorce can be a valuable option for individuals seeking privacy during the divorce process. Unlike traditional litigated divorces that take place in a public courtroom, collaborative divorce is a private and confidential process. It offers a respectful and cooperative approach to resolving issues, allowing couples to maintain control over the proceedings and keep sensitive…

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The Appeals Court “Exceptional Circumstances” Decision

The Appellate Court of Maryland recently made a significant ruling regarding de facto parenting and exceptional circumstances in custody cases. The court clarified that an individual involved in a child’s upbringing cannot be considered a de facto parent unless both legal parents consented to and fostered the parent-like relationship. However, custody can still be transferred…

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Can Your Job Cost You Your Marriage? Just Ask Kevin Costner

Long-time Hollywood star, Kevin Costner, is in hot water with his soon to be ex-wife. The two are calling it quits, and it is rumored that it is due to Costner’s refusal to change his work schedule in order to spend time with his wife and children. Recent claims suggest that Christine Baumgartner wanted Costner…

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Top 7 Reasons to Pursue a Collaborative Divorce

Deciding to end a marriage can be physically and emotionally draining. As a result, couples are turning to collaborative divorce, as it is a great option for those who would rather not deal with stress or drama in their lives. When compared to the traditional divorce process, collaborative divorces encourage ex-spouses to work together to…

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Massive Changes Are Coming to Maryland’s Divorce Laws

Big changes are coming to Maryland when it comes to divorce. The new legislation will not only end limited divorce, but also change our residency requirements and grounds for filing a divorce. Governor Wes Moore is expected to sign the bill into law, which will go into effect on October 1, 2023. We want to…

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