Pet Custody in Maryland Divorce

Pets and divorce can be a very emotional area of your separation.  Many divorce settlements result in both parties sharing “custody” of their pets in common. Although not technically a recognized legal concept, as soon as the parties’ agreement becomes an order of the Court, it becomes enforceable. If you are considering a shared parenting plan…

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Divorce Mistakes to Avoid

Divorce mistakes can be costly in the high stakes of divorce and separation.  Here are a few mistakes to avoid as you move through your Maryland divorce: Don’t Predict You Are Going To Win It All Don’t brag to anyone, especially the spouse from whom you are separated. Boasting usually escalates conflict, which inevitably increases your…

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Upcoming Changes In Maryland Domestic Violence Laws

Maryland domestic violence laws are changing.  Earlier this year, Governor O’Malley signed into law several changes to Maryland’s protective order statutes, which are set to go into effect on October 1, 2014.  Perhaps the biggest change is the lowering of the burden of proof for final protective and peace orders from “clear and convincing evidence,”…

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Maryland Employees Who are Same-Sex Domestic Partners May Need To Marry To Continue Benefit Coverage

Do Maryland employees get coverage for same-sex benefits? The topography of same-sex marriage recognition and availability is constantly changing.  Employees of the State of Maryland who receive or extend benefits to their domestic partners, may need to consider marriage in 2014 if they want to keep those benefits in place. The Benefits manual now provides,…

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What Are Marital Settlement Agreements?

UPDATED June 2021 Marital settlement agreements, or MSAs, can be a great way to resolve issues that are in dispute in a divorce proceeding. A marital settlement agreement is, in essence, a contract between spouses outlining the terms for terminating their marriage. When a judge issues an order of divorce, the marital settlement agreement is…

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7 Tips to Keep Your Attorney Bills In Check

Your attorney bills in divorce can be overwhelming.  If you find yourself needing the services of an attorney, chances are you have enough worries without also being worried about astronomical attorneys’ fees. Even the cheapest attorneys aren’t “cheap,” and while you’d do well to think of your retainer with your attorney as an investment, you…

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What is Third Party Custody in Maryland?

In Maryland what is third party custody?  In the most traditionally defined family arrangement, a child has a biological mother and father. But families come in all sorts of configurations and change with circumstances. When a person not outside of the traditional, legal definition seeks custody or visitation of a child – that person is…

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