October is Nearly Here: Summing Up The Upcoming New Divorce Laws

Maryland divorce laws are changing! While we’ve all busy watching the spectacle of Kim Davis in the Kentucky clerk’s office, let’s not forget what’s coming down the pike here in Maryland. As we’ve blogged elsewhere (here and here and here), there are some much anticipated changes coming for divorcees effective October 1, 2015. 

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Limited Divorce On Separation Grounds Will No Longer Require A Voluntariness Component

Maryland’s law on limited divorce is changing.  Not so long ago, the most common grounds for absolute divorce in Maryland (one-year separation) was changed so that the separation no longer had to be “voluntary.”  Unfortunately, the corresponding limited divorce ground continued to have the “voluntary” requirement, making the two statutes incongruent and maddening prospective divorcees.…

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Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Are Divorcing. Not to Fear, They Have a Prenuptial Agreement. Should You Consider One?

After four years of marriage, country music stars Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert have announced they are divorcing. But from the outside at least, the separation seems to be moving along pretty quickly. From our perspective, this must be at least thanks in part to the couple’s prenuptial agreement. So, yes, if you are contemplating…

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5 Steps To Take Before You Divorce

View our video on 5 steps to take before you divorce. You may also want to review our frequently asked questions about divorce, domestic violence, prenuptial agreements, child custody, and related topics about family law in Maryland.

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Mutual Consent Grounds For Divorce in Maryland

Updated July 2020 As of October 2018, mutual consent has been an option for divorcing couples in Maryland. The final version of the law is slightly different from what was originally proposed in 2015. Now, parents with minor children may also file for divorce using mutual consent grounds. You can read the text in its…

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What Do You Mean You Restructure Families? I Want A Divorce.

What does it mean to restructure your family in your Maryland divorce? There is so much negative talk around divorce and separation. We’re all guilty of it. But sometimes divorce is the only option to find your way to a better life and sometimes divorce is not your choice, but a reality you must accept.…

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What is a Limited Divorce?

What is a limited divorce? There are two types of divorce in Maryland: a limited divorce (a divorce a mensa et throro) and an absolute divorce (a divorce a vincula matrimonii). As the name suggests, an absolute divorce completely terminates the marriage and entitles either of the parties, or both, to remarry. On the other hand, a…

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What In Tarnation is Discovery?

During the litigation process (if you go that route), you will eventually have to deal with “discovery.” The discovery process can include written interrogatories (questions that you have to answer in writing and under oath), requests for production of documents (which require you to put together documents for review by your spouse’s attorney – even ones…

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