5 Divorce Expenses You Might Not Think About

After a divorce, it can be difficult to adjust to any financial changes, especially if one income has to support two households. That’s an expected expense, but there are other costs that crop up after divorce that you may not have expected. And these may take you by surprise and add a lot of unwanted…

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How to Deal with Divorce Stalling Tactics

How long is this divorce going to take? How much is this divorce going to cost me? These are questions that we hear from many of our new clients during the initial consultation. Even though delaying the divorce means higher fees for both parties, some spouses will do whatever is in their power to stall…

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What Is a Parenting Plan?

With many divorcing couples, issues of child custody and visitation are often the most thorny and contentious. A detailed parenting plan, agreed upon by the parents and endorsed by the courts, can help parents meet their child’s needs, set forth each parent’s responsibilities, and allow flexibility. Well thought-out parenting plans avoid the need to go…

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What Is a Best Interest Attorney?

During a particularly contentious child custody case, the court may appoint a “best interest attorney” for the child. This attorney does not represent either parent, but advocates for the child’s interests and the child alone. Best interest attorneys must represent the interests of their client, complete an independent evaluation, and advocate the position concerning custody…

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We’re Getting Divorced. Who Keeps the Family Business?

When going through a divorce, other than matters involving children, division of marital property can get quite contentious. The more assets a couple has, the more contentious a divorce can become. Maryland is an equitable property state, meaning that all property acquired during the marriage should be divided equally, unless a judge decides that division…

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Should I Tell My Child’s Teacher We Are Getting Divorced?

Once you and your ex-partner have decided to go public with your divorce, there are a lot of people to tell. You might wonder if it is appropriate to talk to your child’s school. After all, it is your personal family business, right? In this case, however, it is important you do share this information…

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What is a Protective Order?

A protective order is a civil order issued by a judge that compels a person to stop committing certain acts against another person. The person who is seeking the protective order is the petitioner and the respondent is the person who is being accused of having committed the acts which the petitioner would like to…

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What Can You Do if Your Ex-Spouse Does Not Pay Child Support?

In Maryland, both parents are legally obligated to provide for their children financially. The courts are not concerned with the marital status of the parents; if you have a child, then the responsibility falls on your shoulders. There are serious consequences for parents who fail to pay court-ordered child support, and we will look at…

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The Challenges of the High-Asset Divorce

Divorce is almost always complicated, regardless of the level of income of the parties. However, when you are dealing with significant marital assets – whether they are businesses, professional practices, domestic and international real estate investments, or other valuables – additional challenges may arise during the divorce process. Dividing retirement assets Each party’s retirement account,…

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A Brief Explanation of Mediation and Child Custody in Maryland

Child custody disputes are often among the most contentious issues in divorces. Two parents who are already at odds may be unable to come to a sensible agreement about child custody on their own. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method that can help parents come to a workable solution regarding child custody and parenting…

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