Can I Adopt My Younger Sibling in Maryland?
Adoption is a beautiful way to build a family. It provides an infant or a child in need with a more emotionally and financially stable environment and gives people the opportunity to become a family. Every family is unique, and so is every adoption situation. We’re often asked if siblings can adopt other siblings –…
Read MoreHow to Keep Your Divorce Case Moving Smoothly
For some people, hiring a divorce lawyer is their first foray into the legal community. It can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are already feeling stressed about the end of your marriage. While we normally discuss how we can help our clients, today we wanted to give you some guidelines for how you…
Read MoreCan I Bring a Friend or Relative to My Attorney Meeting?
Even the most amicable divorce can be stressful and overwhelming. Many people wonder if they can bring a close friend or relative to their attorney meeting (or meetings). This can help your comfort level as well as having an extra set of ears to process and take down information. However, is this really a good…
Read MoreWhat You Should Know about Parental Alienation
Going through a divorce can be stressful. With children in the mix, family issues may become difficult to navigate and sometimes emotions can take over. When tensions run high and out of control, you may find yourself dealing with an issue psychologists call “parental alienation.” Parental alienation, in a nutshell, is when one parent turns…
Read MoreCan a Child Have More Than Two Parents?
Madison is a girl who lives in California, a state which recognizes multi-parenting, or “tri-parenting.” Her legal parents include her two moms and a dad: her father is the sperm donor, one of her mothers carried her, and her other mother is married to her birth mother. It is her non-birth mother who became her…
Read MoreModifying A Child Custody Agreement – Your Questions Answered
In many divorces, child support and child custody can be the most contentious and difficult topics. Determining who pays child support and who gets legal and physical custody of the children can get complicated, and sometimes down the road, things change. If your or your ex’s – or your child’s – circumstances have changed and…
Read MoreIs It Legal for My Spouse to Empty Our Joint Bank Account?
For many married couples, it just makes sense to have a joint bank account to manage the family’s finances. These types of accounts can be quite useful during a marriage, but during times of conflict or divorce, they can become weapons if used incorrectly. About joint accounts When two people have a joint bank account,…
Read MoreHow Mental Health Issues Can Affect Child Custody
It can be difficult to talk about, but needs to be acknowledged – mental illness affects every aspect of a person’s life, as well as the lives around them. Sometimes mental illness can have serious or devastating effects on a marriage or relationship. Often this can lead to issues with divorce or child custody. When…
Read MoreRuling: Michigan Will No Longer Fund Adoption Agencies That Refuse Gay Parents
Recent legal news out of Michigan shows a win for prospective adoptive parents – adoption agencies that receive state and taxpayer funding are no longer legally allowed to turn away same-sex couples or LGBTQ parents based on religious objections. Although this type of discrimination is illegal here in Maryland, it continues to be an issue…
Read MoreAvoiding the Debt and Divorce Trap
We all know that debt can be a big stressor in our lives – whether we’re married or single. But financial issues can play a huge part in why couples divorce. We even wrote about it in a recent blog. However, this doesn’t mean that if you or your spouse brought debt into the relationship…
Read MoreHow Can I Make Sure the Divorce Decree is Enforced?
After having spent a considerable amount of time, money and emotional energy to come up with a Marital Settlement Agreement, or a divorce decree issued by a judge outlining the terms of the divorce, it can be frustrating when the other party is not abiding by the agreement. Whether the behavior in question occurs right…
Read MoreMy Business Partner Is Getting Divorced – Is My Business Safe?
There are many legalities surrounding owning your own business, especially when you have a business partner. Your business agreement likely covers many things, including all sorts of contingencies. However, for many businesspeople, unless their business partner is their actual spouse, when putting together a partnership contract, divorce may be the last thing on their minds.…
Read MoreHow to Divorce an Absent Spouse in Maryland
If you wish to get divorced, but are unable to find your spouse, can you still move forward? In Maryland, you absolutely can. The law allows you to request an Order of Default for a divorce, if you have made a good faith effort to locate and serve your spouse with the complaint. You must…
Read MoreA Parenting Plan Checklist
When and your spouse are going through a divorce, taking care of every detail is important. Even if your divorce from your spouse is amicable – and congratulations on that – it’s still prudent to ensure you get everything done legally and formally for the safety of your children. Matters of child custody can get…
Read MoreMy Divorce Has Been Contentious. What Will Court Be Like?
Some divorces are difficult, and no matter how hard you and your soon-to-be ex try to work together, it’s just not going to happen. You’re unable to agree on important issues like child custody, alimony, child support, and property division. Facing a contentious divorce can be overwhelming and even intimidating – especially if you don’t…
Read MoreKeeping Domestic Violence Victims Safe: Are the Courts Doing Enough?
The Maryland nonprofit group Court Watch Montgomery works to ensure victims of domestic violence are provided with proper access to justice, programs, and resources. Volunteers from the organization gather data from thousands of protective order hearings each year, and release a report with their findings. Court Watch’s latest report found that District Court judges in…
Read MoreQuestion of the Day: Can My Ex and I Use the Same Divorce Lawyer?
Let’s face it – getting divorced can be expensive. It might be tempting, and practical, to think about using the same attorney for your Maryland divorce. However, although this might seem good in theory, it is not a good idea in practice – nor is it technically allowed. In short, no – you and your…
Read MoreWhen Would A Child Need A Best Interest Attorney?
Family law issues, especially divorce, can be emotionally and psychologically difficult, especially with children involved. When spouses are going through a split that may be particularly contentious and can’t come to agreement over decisions regarding their child, sometimes a best interest attorney is a fair alternative. If, during a divorce, there are issues around child…
Read MoreMaryland’s New “Red Flag” Gun Safety Law
On October 1, 2018, a new law regarding gun safety went into effect here in Maryland. Building on existing domestic violence laws but called extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs), it aims to temporarily prohibit people’s access to firearms when it’s determined they’re a danger to others or themselves. Many other states have enacted similar laws,…
Read MoreWelcome, Tracey L. Perrick, to McCabe Russell, PA
McCabe Russell, PA is excited to welcome Tracey L. Perrick to our team! After working for some of the most prestigious family law firms in Maryland, she joins us in the role of Senior Counsel. Here, Tracey will put her years of experience in litigation, mediation, and negotiation to work on behalf of our clients.…
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