My Divorce Has Been Contentious. What Will Court Be Like?

Some divorces are difficult, and no matter how hard you and your soon-to-be ex try to work together, it’s just not going to happen. You’re unable to agree on important issues like child custody, alimony, child support, and property division. Facing a contentious divorce can be overwhelming and even intimidating – especially if you don’t…

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Keeping Domestic Violence Victims Safe: Are the Courts Doing Enough?

The Maryland nonprofit group Court Watch Montgomery works to ensure victims of domestic violence are provided with proper access to justice, programs, and resources. Volunteers from the organization gather data from thousands of protective order hearings each year, and release a report with their findings. Court Watch’s latest report found that District Court judges in…

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When Would A Child Need A Best Interest Attorney?

Family law issues, especially divorce, can be emotionally and psychologically difficult, especially with children involved. When spouses are going through a split that may be particularly contentious and can’t come to agreement over decisions regarding their child, sometimes a best interest attorney is a fair alternative. If, during a divorce, there are issues around child…

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Maryland’s New “Red Flag” Gun Safety Law

On October 1, 2018, a new law regarding gun safety went into effect here in Maryland. Building on existing domestic violence laws but called extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs), it aims to temporarily prohibit people’s access to firearms when it’s determined they’re a danger to others or themselves. Many other states have enacted similar laws,…

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Welcome, Tracey L. Perrick, to McCabe Russell, PA

McCabe Russell, PA is excited to welcome Tracey L. Perrick to our team! After working for some of the most prestigious family law firms in Maryland, she joins us in the role of Senior Counsel. Here, Tracey will put her years of experience in litigation, mediation, and negotiation to work on behalf of our clients.…

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How Does Divorce Affect Kids?

As traumatic as divorce is for the couple experiencing it, their children will also experience varying degrees of upset and trauma which depends on the structure of the family before the divorce, and the age of the child. Younger children will react in different ways than their older siblings who have a greater understanding of…

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Divorce When “Denial” Isn’t Just a River in Egypt

Divorce denial is a real phenomenon that can occur in divorces, where one partner springs the desire to get a divorce on the other. Divorce can be an emotionally devastating experience for those who are not initiating it, or who still wish to hold on to the relationship and try to make it work. Depending…

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What is Second Parent Adoption?

Second parent adoption is when one partner legally adopts the other partner’s child, giving them both equal and legal parental rights. People typically choose second parent adoption when they are unmarried or if they’re a same-sex couple who wants to ensure their parental rights stay protected. Families may benefit from having an attorney complete a…

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Supervised Visitation in Maryland

During a divorce or child custody dispute, the court typically makes the ruling regarding parents’ access to the child or children. The judge may grant the non-custodial parent unsupervised quality time or overnight visitation with the children. However, there are instances where the court may decide that this unsupervised access with minor children is not…

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Should I Change My Last Name After My Divorce?

During or after a divorce, one of the many decisions you’ll have to make is whether or not to keep your married name. This decision can carry both practical and emotional consequences, and there are no right or wrong answers. The decision is personal and specific to every person. However, if you are considering whether…

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Tools for Documenting Text Messages for Divorce Matters

Updated 2020 We all use text messaging as an easy, instant way to communicate with each other without the hassle of dialing a phone and speaking. In 2017, for the first time, the use of mobile messaging apps hit a growth milestone of more than 76.3% of the world’s smart phone users in 2017 and…

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The Six Most Common Reasons Couples Split Up

Nobody goes into a marriage intending to get divorced one day. We hope not, anyway. They enter into their marriage with high hopes of a “happily ever after,” or at least a nice, long life together. Most people understand that marriage takes work. If you feel like you’ve given your marriage everything you have but…

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So You Think You’re Married? Not So Fast…

You may have heard of the Universal Life Church (ULC), the self-described online “multi-denominational religious organization” that allows members to become ordained and perform functions that ministers can, like weddings. There are other sites that offer online ordination, but ULC is the biggest and the most well-known. Many celebrities have famously used it to perform…

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Welcome to the McCabe Russell Family, Lauren S. Keiser!

All of us at McCabe Russell, PA would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Associate Attorney, Lauren S. Keiser. Lauren joined our family in July 2018, and we could not be more excited to have her with us. She will focus her practice on family law matters, including divorce, child custody, alimony,…

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