Thoughtful Advice From a Team You Can Trust
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We are prepared to guide you through every aspect of your divorce.


Child Custody

In the eyes of the court, parents must put the well-being and best interests ahead of their own.


Child Support

In the eyes of the court, parents must put the well-being and best interests ahead of their own.


Protective Orders

When you fear for your safety or the safety of your child.

Skilled Divorce and Family Law Attorneys in Howard and Montgomery Counties

Assisting clients from offices in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville


The decision to end a marriage is rarely an easy one. Whether it was by mutual agreement or not, both parties will have practical, financial and emotional considerations to contend with, and those considerations can lead to heated disagreements. The untangling of two lives is a complex process; you’ll want competent, trustworthy guidance from the start.

At McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, we have built our reputation as skilled negotiators and litigators by offering counsel designed to eliminate any uncertainty our clients may have. We are experienced family law and divorce attorneys serving families in Howard and Montgomery Counties. We assess your levels of preparedness and your goals, help you prioritize your needs, and offer you a path towards the best possible outcome. By maintaining multiple offices in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville, we ensure that our team is available to you when you need us the most.

Capable representation for clients considering divorce

The dissolution of a marriage is, essentially, the termination of a contract. As such, there are certain processes which must be followed to guarantee that you ultimately receive the outcome you choose. The difficulties, of course, often lie in the emotional reactions both parties will have – reactions that are sometimes surprising, and sometimes more visceral, than either person was expecting.

As your divorce attorneys, we help you with the initial planning for your divorce, so that you enter into negotiations or litigation with your eyes wide open. It is important to us that you understand all the potential consequences of both your decisions and actions, as well as those of your spouse and of your children. If both you and your spouse can reach an agreement about crucial elements – asset division, your child’s education, business interests, etc. – then you may be able to avoid some of the uglier arguments that many couples have, and move more efficiently and easily into an uncontested divorce. For some of our clients, mediation and collaboration have led to fruitful discussions and better results than they previously thought possible.

Heather McCabe and Team

If, however, you find that either you need to be or your spouse has become more aggressive, or if the stakes are particularly high for financial reasons, you will want an experienced divorce lawyer on your side. Our firm has earned a reputation for our work in these types of divorce proceedings. We offer competent counsel in the areas of:

No matter what your specific needs are, we help you craft a strategy to move forward that works for you, your children, and your future.

Family law services from the firm you can trust

Divorce is an important element of family law, but for couples with children, it is hardly the only one. Some of the most contentious battles are fought over the children. Our role is to show the court that your best interests are aligned with those of your children. Heather McCabe is a trained Parenting Coordinator, and can help you and your spouse work through the creation of a parenting plan, as well as to learn the necessary skills needed to create a healthy parent-child relationship.

You can rely on us to provide honest, thoughtful counsel in regard to:

McCabe and Russell Attorney at work

Firm founders Heather McCabe and Emily Russell are certified Best Interest attorneys (formerly referred to as a Guardian ad Litem) in the state of Maryland.

As such, they advocate on behalf of a child’s best interests – as opposed to the child’s wishes – in cases where the parents are unable to reach an agreement themselves, or when a judge appoints such an attorney to a child. In cases where a parent or a child has been subject to abuse, or if an individual is in crisis, our firm can also help you obtain a protective order or peace order, depending on your needs.

Not all change is bad, of course. Family lawyers do more than represent parents and children in courtrooms during divorce proceedings; we also help families grow. Our Howard and Montgomery County adoption attorneys represent step-parents and LGBTQ couples, as well as minor and disabled birth parents.

Help for same-sex couples seeking a divorce in Maryland

Since Obergefell v. Hodges was decided, we have seen a marked increase in the number of law firms offering same-sex divorce services. Same-sex families often face a different set of challenges than traditional families do, and as such, require an in-depth understanding of the laws which can affect them. Our attorneys provide comprehensive counsel and representation on behalf of LGBTQ families. We routinely handle complex cases involving:

We understand that the laws which protect opposite-sex couples in such an obvious way do not always provide you and your family the same protections. It is our duty to ensure that those protections are offered to you, your spouse and your children from the start.

Heather McCabe and Emily Russell - Family Law Attorneys

Why McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers is the reputable choice

As divorce attorneys, it is our responsibility to advocate on behalf of our clients. It is also our responsibility to help people who are in varying stages of acceptance (or grief) come to terms with the new, healthier structure of their family. This responsibility means something to us, both personally and professionally. Our primary goal is to help our clients find a better path towards a better future.

When you work with McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers, you work with dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced attorneys and staff who understand not only the intricacies of the laws, and the potential effects they might have on your case, but also how each family’s unique circumstances will dictate how we move forward. Even when both parties mutually agree that a divorce is best, it can still be a challenging, frustrating and heart-breaking time in their lives. We offer our clients unwavering legal and emotional support, so that they can find peace, solace, and happinessin their new lives.

Experience the difference experience makes

For years, McCabe Russell Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers has been the law firm that your friends, family and neighbors have trusted to help them find a new way forward. Our team of seasoned litigators in Fulton, Columbia, Bethesda and Rockville has worked with families of all shapes and sizes, throughout all parts of Maryland. If you need competent divorce and family law counsel, we are ready to uphold your rights and protect your interests. Please call 443-812-1435 or fill out this contact form to reserve a consultation time at one of our offices.

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